Zigbee Based Scrolling LED Notice Board

We are using zigbee communication for updating message on scrolling LED board by entering information using PC terminal software. We are using one zigbee module at PC which sends data to zigbee connected to LED Scrolling board. It receives data  and it is given to microcontroller for processing. The microcontroller used here is Arduino Atmega328 which displays text data on 16×2 LCD. The same data is also sent to 2 feet LED board which scrolls text message on it. The advantage of using zigbee is its long range and high data transfer rate. It can have range upto 100m-300m in open space. It uses 2.4 Ghz frequency for communication.


  • Proteus Simulator

Hardware :

  1. ATMEGA328  Microcontroller
  2. Zigbee Module
  3. 16×2 LCD DISPLAY
  4. Scrolling LED Board (2 Feet)

Regulated Power Supply