Wi-Fi Based Wireless Robot For Agriculture Field Application

 Robot is a system that contains sensors, control systems, manipulators, power supplies and software all working together to perform a task. Designing, building, programming and testing a robot is a combination of physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, structural engineering, mathematics and computing .

The user can control robot movements such as forward, backward, left, right, stop etc. The user can also monitor physical parameters such as temperature, humidity, soil sensor. The user can control water sprinkler motor remotely. We are using android app in android phone which communicates with the robot using Wi-Fi communication. The android phone transmits commands to robot. The ATMEGA2560 microcontroller processes data and controls robot movements through L293d motor driver circuit. The dc motors are interfaced with the L293d circuit.  The temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 is interfaced with controller. The soil moisture senses soil status whether it is dry or wet. We can control water sprinkler motor though current driver ULN2003. The sensor status is displayed on 20×4 LCD.




  1. Arduino MEGA (ATMEGA2560  Microcontroller)
  2. ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module
  3. DHT11 (Temp, Humidity), Soil Sensor
  4. 20×4 LCD Display
  5. ULN2003 Current Driver
  6. Water Sprinkler Motor
  7. DC motors and L293D Motor Driver.
  8. 12V Rechargeable Battery
  1. Regulated Power Supply