This application presents the way to provide Ethernet connectivity to microcontroller based embedded systems. This system uses Atmega328 microcontroller to store the main application sourcecode, web pages and TCP/IP stack which is a vital element of the system software. An Ethernet Controller Shield WIZ5100 is used to handle the Ethernet communications and it is interfaced with the microcontroller using SPI protocol. Configurations like IP address and other details are set using RS232 interface. The site can be viewed on any system with Internet/LAN connection by configuring the specific IP address and by giving User Login ID, password. Nowadays, Internet has spread worldwide and most of the internet connections use Ethernet as media for data transfer. Once we enable Ethernet interface to such systems, we can communicate with them remotely over the internet. The popularity of home automation has been increasing greatly inrecent years due to much higher affordability and simplicity through Smartphone and tablet connectivity. The concept of the “Internet of Things” has tied closely with home automation.
Ethernet provides inexpensive, relatively high speed network access to individual users and low delay that can support many applications. This implementation is an attempt to connect an embedded device to an Ethernet. Using Ethernet based system we can control various home appliances from anywhere across the world. The existing system which uses the GSM,GPRS,Bluetooth, Zigbee Infrared and RFID technology which are having its own limitations.
The main aim of our project is to implement a Home automation console that can be easily accessible from distant places through a simple web server running inside the home. The basic functionalities in this proposed system includes automatic control of Lights and other electrical / electronic appliances. Because these systems use hard-wired Ethernet, communication between components is reliable and fast.
The goal of this project is to develop home and Industrial automation system that gives the user complete control over all remotely controllable aspects of home or Industries. The automation system will have the ability to be controlled from a central host PC, and the Internet.
2. Regulated Power Supply
3. Ethernet Controller Shield
4. LAN Cable
5. PC
6. Relays
7. Fan, Bulb
8.Current Driver ULN2003
- HTML (PC Side)
- Embedded CPP Code