Sureveillance Robot Using Arduino Microcontroller, Android APIs & Internet (IEEE 2014)

Surveillance is the process of monitoring a situation, an area or a person. This generally occurs in a military scenario where surveillance of borderlines and enemy territory is essential to a country’s safety. Human surveillance is achieved by deploying personnel near sensitive areas in order to constantly monitor for changes. But humans do have their limitations, and deployment in inaccessible places is not always possible. There are also added risks of losing personnel in the event of getting caught by the enemy. With  advances in technology over the years, however, it is possibly to remotely monitor areas of importance by using robots in place of humans. Apart from the obvious advantage of not having to risk any personnel, terrestrial and aerial robots can also pick up details  that are not obvious to humans. By equipping them with high resolution  cameras and various sensors, it is possible to obtain information about the specific area remotely.

 Robot is a system that contains sensors, control systems, manipulators, power supplies and software all working together to perform a task. Designing, building, programming and testing a robot is a combination of physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, structural engineering, mathematics and computing .

The Ultrasonic  sensor is  arranged on the Robot.  It is used to measure distance of an obstacle in front of the sensor. The sensor is interfaced with ATMEGA2560 (Arduino MEGA) microcontroller which processes data and controls robot movements through L293d motor driver circuit. The dc motors are interfaced with the L293d circuit. The temperature sensor LM35 is used which is connected to in built ADC channel of controller. We are also using ultrasonic distance sesnor HC-04 to sense distance of an obstacle in front of the robot.  We can remotely these parameters using PC / Android Phone using Wi-Fi communication.

The robot is controlled by android phone remotely using Wi-Fi. The robot also sends status of tts movements such as forward, backward, left, right, stop, Temperature, Distance to android phone using proper commands. The same status is also shown on 16X2 LCD Display. We can  use  wireless camera on the robot for surveillance purpose so that it remotely transmits live video & audio to PC.


Software Tools:


Hardware Tools:

  1. ATMEGA2560  Microcontroller
  2. Ultrasonic Sensor HC-05
  3. LM35 Temp Sensor
  4. Wi-Fi  Module ESP01
  5. 16X2 LCD Display
  6. DC motors and L293D Motor Driver.
  7. 12V Rechargeable Battery
  8. Regulated Power Supply