Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio frequencies to automatically identify and track people or objects. It is useful for many enterprises that want to improve their productivity, processes and gain a competitive edge by getting real time information enabling them to make proactive business decisions. RFID offers higher data storage capacities, higher identification speeds, and greater accuracy of data collection. The technology’s enhanced accuracy and security in data collection makes it an ideal data collection platform for the health care, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, warehousing, logistics and retail sectors.
In our project, we are using arduino Atmega2560 microcontroller to process the data. The RFID Reader with few tags. When the tag is flashed in front of the reader. The related information is stored in SD Card with date and time using RTC (DS1307). The information is displayed on 16×2 LCD and it is also stored in web using ethernet interface. We are using ethernet shield for an arduino. The information can thus be viewed anywhere over the internet based network. The project follows IOT approach for storing data in PC.
Hardware Components :
1) Microcontroller ATMEGA2560 (ARDUINO)
2) RFID Reader 3) RFID Tags 4. 16×2 LCD Display
6) Ethernet Shield W5100 7. RTC (Real Time Clock) 8. SD Card Module
Applications and Advantages:
Applications of RFID based Identification system:
This project can be used in Airports, Colleges and Government offices, organizations