Remote Condition Monitoring of Real-Time Light Intensity and Temperature Data (IEEE 2015)

This paper aims in developing a simple real-time remote data acquisition system for condition monitoring of the process or system. A low cost data acquisition method is used for physical parameters monitoring and transmitting the acquired information to the remote operator. The environment condition is sensed for the light intensity value, temperature,voltage of solar panel. The main objective of this work is to monitor continuous information and send this information to remote android enabled device using bluetooth for remote analysis.

In this, we are using LDR for light intensity measurement and LM35 for temperature measurement. We are using voltage divider arrangement for voltage measurement. The analog data is fed to in built ADC channels of Arduino UNO i.e  Atmega 328 microcontroller for processing. It displays result on 16X2 LCD display and transmits same information to remote end using bluetooth module.

Software Tools:


Hardware :

  1. ATMEGA328  Microcontroller
  2. LDR Sensor
  3. LM35 Temperature Sensor
  4. Bluetooth Module
  5. 16*2 LCD DISPLAY
  6. Solar Panel
  7. Regulated Power Supply