Now days in many multiplex systems there is a severe problem for car parking systems. There are many slots for car parking, so to park a car one has to look for the all lanes. Moreover there is a lot of men labor involved for this process for which there is lot of investment. So the need is to develop a system which indicates directly which parking slot is vacant in any lane. The project application has infrared transmitter and receiver kept in every slot. The 16×2 LCD displays status on it. So the person entering parking area can view using IoT module involved and can decide which slot to enter so as to park the car.
Conventionally, car parking systems does not have any intelligent monitoring system. Parking slots are monitored by human beings. All vehicles enter into the parking area and waste lot of time for searching for parking slot. Sometimes it creates blockage. Condition become worse when there are multiple parking lanes and each lane have multiple parking slots. Use of automated system for car parking monitoring will reduce the human efforts.
Here we are using IR sensors to detect the vehicle in that parking slot. So if it is occupied that information is available in the web and free slots are also shown so that one can decide exact slot for parking vehicle using IoT. This is to avoid waiting. We are using Atmega328 as our controller and IoT module is interfaced to view the slots using internet.
This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. Unregulated 12V DC is used for relay. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.