Doppler Radar Based Street Light Energy Saving

Doppler radar emits pulses of microwave energy from a transmitter. When these pulses collide with fast moving objects such as cars, some of the energy bounces back towards the radar. A receiver on the radar then collects the reflected energy to give signal to the microcontroller which then immediately activate 100% light output for the connected luminaires using PWM method. Normally when there is no vehicle movement street lights glow with minimum intensity. We can use high intensity LEDs and control intensity easily. Thus we can effectively save electrical energy. The advantages of using microwave sensor modules in RADAR technology are these are very compact, having high gain and having highly directional antennas.
Technical Specifications Of Microwave Sensor Module:
• Working Voltage : 5V
• Working Current : 30 ma
• Detection Range : 2 meter-16 meter
• Frequency : 10.52 Ghz
• Output Power : 12 dBm
• Vertical Beam Width : 36 degree
• Horizontal Beam Width : 72 degree