Mechanical Projects

3 Speed Gearbox Mechanism

Download Synopsis Gearboxes or also commonly called gear reducers or enclosed speed reducers are used on many electromechanical drive systems. Gearboxes, are essentially multiple open gear sets contained in a…

5 Speed Gearbox Mechanism

Download Synopsis An industrial gearbox is a system in which the mechanical energy is transferred from one device to another and is used to increase torque while reducing speed. Gearboxes…

360-Degree Rotating Vehicle

Download Synopsis This project is about 360-degree rotating vehicle. This vehicle moves in all directions and this design provides better comfort and also saves the time, most of the people…

Eight-Legged Spider Robot

Download Synopsis Theo Jansen is a renowned Dutch artist best known for his Strandbeest (Dutch for beach animals). These kinetic sculptures are designed to be a fusion of art and…

Automated Drain/Gutter Cleaner Project

Download Synopsis Cleaning of drains/gutters has always been a problem. Labors cleaning gutters & drain seems unethical and also leads to a high risk of them catching infections or poisoning…