Arduino Based RFID Attendance System

There has been emerging demand for secure system that must be reliable and fast responding for the industries and company. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one of the reliable and fast means of identifying any material object. Their significant advantages are that they can read wirelessly, contain more information than barcode and more robust in nature and based on non-line-of-sight technology. RFID tags can read in any environmental challenging conditions where other read technology likes barcode or optical card reader useless. RFID system provides an efficient and simple method for identification. There are other methods for identification like barcode, optical character recognition, biometric and smart card but possible area of use is much larger for RFID system. Like transportation and logistics, security and animal tagging, postal tracking, time and attendance and road toll management.

In this system when card brought near to the RFID module reads the card information and records corresponding card id in excel sheet format in SD card with date and time. We are using DS1307 Real Time Clock module to maintanin time and date. The Arduino UNO Atmega328 microcontroller is used to process data. The 16×2 LCD is used to display status of the circuit.

Software Tools:

  • ARDUINO IDE ( Compiler )
    Hardware :

ATMEGA328 Microcontroller

RFID Reader Module


RTC DS1307

SD Card Module

Regulated Power Supply