Induction motors are the most widely used motors for appliances, industrial control and automation. Single phase induction motors are widely used for numerous domestic and industrial applications like home appliances, industrial control, and automation as they are robust, reliable, and durable. These motors are the most widely prefered since their power consumtion is comparatively less.
However there arises a problem in voltage levels, which affects the speed of induction motor. As the voltage is directly proportional to speed, we need to control the stator voltage which controls the speed proportionally. In this application, controlling method is developed by programming ARDUINO controller which takes input from the user and generates firing pulses for the TRIAC which controls the speed of the Induction motor.
In this speed is controlled by controlling the pulses from the ARDUINO, which are fed to the triac BT136 through MOC3021 opto-coupler interface. To avoid the reversal of current an Opto coupler (MOC3021) is placed in between the controller and triac. It is a power control device which conducts based on the gate pulses it receives rather than the supply voltage. It is connected in series with the motor and hence by controlling the gate pulses of it, speed of the induction motor is controlled smoothly. We will also use RC snubber circuit for motor for improved efficiency.
Bluetooth Module is interfaced with the arduino microcontroller Atmega328. The microcontroller has full duplex UART which is used for communication with Bluetooth Module. We can control the speed of motor remotely using android phone.
The Android Software in Mobile Phone sends proper commands to Bluetooth module which is then decoded by microcontroller to perform required operation. The 16*2 LCD Display is used to show the status of the circuit.
Software Tools:
Hardware :
- ATMEGA328 Microcontroller
- Bluetooth Module.
- 16*2 LCD Display
- Induction Motor
- Regulated Power Supply