Dual Axis Solar Tracking System

In this project , solar panel is rotated in proper direction to get maximum light intensity from the sun. The LDR sensors monitor light intensity. The proposed tracking system tracks sunlight more effectively by providing panel rotation in two different axes. In dual-axis tracking system optimum power is achieved by tracking the sun in all  four directions. We are using two dc motors to rotate panel in horizontal and vertical orientation. The dc motors are intefaced through L293d motor driver. The microcontroller used here is Atmega328 from AVR family.  The light intensity is monitored using four LDR sensors arranged at four corners of solar panel. The status is  displayed on a 16×2 LCD interfaced to the microcontroller. 



Hardware :

  1. LDR Sensors (4 nos)
  2. Arduino UNO  ( ATMEGA328  Microcontroller )
  3. Gear DC Motors
  4. L293d Driver
  1. Solar Panel 12V
  2. Rechargeable Battery 12v 1.3Ah
  3. 16*2 LCD DISPLAY
  4. Regulated Power Supply