Arduino Based Visitor Counter & Controller

In today’s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances control. With the increase in standard of living, there is need for developing circuits that would ease the complexity of life. Many times we need to monitor the people visiting some places like shopping malls, seminar halls , conference malls etc. Basic concept behind this project is to measure and display the number of persons entering in any room like seminar hall, conference room etc. LCD displays number of person inside the room. We can use this project to count and display the number of visitors entering inside any conference room or seminar hall. This works in a two way. That means counter will be incremented if person enters the room and will be decremented if a person leaves the room. In addition, it will automatically control room lights .When the room is empty the lights will be

automatically turn off.

Hardware :

  1. Arduino UNO (Atmega328)  
  2.  IR Proximity Sensor     
  3. 16×2 LCD Display
  4. ULN2003 Current Driver
  5. DC Fan
  6. Regulated Power Supply
